Legal Guidelines for Influencers: Promoting Products and Services

In today's digital age, social media influencers have become a powerful force in the marketing world. With their large following and ability to sway consumer behavior, influencers have become a go-to for brands looking to promote their products or services. However, with great power comes great responsibility, and influencers must adhere to certain legal guidelines when promoting products or services.

What is an Influencer?

Before we dive into the legal guidelines, let's first define what an influencer is. An influencer is someone who has a significant following on social media platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, or TikTok.

They have built a loyal audience through their content and have the power to influence their followers' purchasing decisions. With the rise of influencer marketing, it's important for influencers to understand their legal obligations when promoting products or services. Failure to comply with these guidelines can result in legal consequences and damage to their reputation.

FTC Guidelines

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is the primary regulatory body that oversees influencer marketing in the United States. The FTC requires influencers to disclose any material connections they have with a brand when promoting their products or services. This means that if an influencer is being paid or receiving free products from a brand, they must disclose this information to their followers. This disclosure must be clear and conspicuous, meaning it should be easily noticeable and not hidden within a long caption or buried in hashtags. The FTC also requires influencers to disclose any relationships they have with a brand, even if they are not being compensated.

For example, if an influencer is friends with the owner of a company they are promoting, they must disclose this information to their followers. It's important for influencers to understand that these guidelines apply to all forms of social media, including Instagram stories, YouTube videos, and even comments on posts. Any time an influencer is promoting a product or service, they must disclose their relationship with the brand.

Truth in Advertising

In addition to the FTC guidelines, influencers must also adhere to the truth in advertising laws. This means that any claims made about a product or service must be truthful and not misleading. Influencers should not make false or exaggerated claims about a product's benefits or effectiveness. For example, if an influencer is promoting a skincare product and claims that it will completely clear up acne in just one week, this claim must be supported by evidence.

If the product does not live up to this claim, the influencer could face legal consequences for false advertising. Influencers should also be transparent about their personal experiences with a product or service. If they have not personally used the product, they should disclose this information to their followers.

Intellectual Property Rights

When promoting products or services, influencers must also be mindful of intellectual property rights. This includes copyright, trademark, and right of publicity laws. Influencers should not use copyrighted material without permission from the owner. This includes using music in their videos or photos without obtaining the proper licenses.

They should also avoid using trademarks in a way that could confuse consumers or imply an endorsement from the brand. In addition, influencers should not use someone's name, image, or likeness without their permission. This is known as the right of publicity and can result in legal action if violated.

Disclose Affiliate Links

Affiliate marketing is a popular way for influencers to earn money by promoting products or services. This is when an influencer includes a unique link in their post or video, and if a follower makes a purchase through that link, the influencer receives a commission. When using affiliate links, influencers must disclose this information to their followers. This can be done by using hashtags such as #ad or #affiliate, or by including a disclosure statement in the caption or video description.

Be Transparent with Sponsored Content

Sponsored content is when a brand pays an influencer to promote their product or service.

This can include sponsored posts, videos, or even events. When creating sponsored content, influencers must be transparent with their followers and disclose that the content is sponsored. It's important for influencers to be honest and transparent with their followers to maintain trust and credibility. If an influencer is not transparent about sponsored content, it can lead to legal consequences and damage to their reputation.


Influencers have a powerful platform and the ability to influence consumer behavior. With this power comes responsibility, and it's important for influencers to understand and follow these legal guidelines when promoting products or services.

By being transparent and honest with their followers, influencers can maintain trust and credibility while also avoiding legal consequences.